Julieta Vigliano Relva
Phd Student
Research interests:
- Fatty acids
- Food webs
- Energy budgets
- Global change
- Eco-physiology

Contact Info
Email: julieta.vigliano@ugent.be
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julieta-vigliano-relva-038368199/
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Julieta-Relva
MSc, International Master in Marine Biological Resources (IMBRSea), Ghent University (2020)
Research Question
What are the effects of global change on benthic copepods energy budgets and what does this mean in terms of biomass and food quality for marine benthic food webs?
Currently, I am conducting experiments to examine the effects of temperature increase on benthic copepods fatty acid profile as well as physiological and life history traits such as respiration rates, growth and reproduction. This data will allow us to model energy budgets for copepods giving us a mechanistic understanding of the underlying processes driving the responses as well as predicting consequences for copepods fitness and potential impacts for food web dynamics.
Prof. Marleen De Troch, Dr. Aisling Daly, Dr. Carl Van Colen
Research theme(s)